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INGEC Initiatives for Advanced Batteries:

INGEC  is committed to providing battery systems with advanced lithium & other advanced metal batteries chemistry like Sodium, Aluminum, Iron, Magnesium, and Zinc batteries which are capable of fast charging capacity, higher safety, high energy density, lower cost, and greater sustainability.

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To meet the demand of internal & international markets, there is an urgent requirement for the most important components of cells, i.e. Cathodes and Anodes in millions of metric tons every year. INGEC member partners have taken the initiative for setting up large-scale high-performance Cathode & Anode materials. The first mega plant will be commissioned in the first quarter of 2024.

The Sky is the Limit 
Setting a new standard of mass-scale production of Cathode & Anode Materials for terawatt scale plants in comparatively no time (compared to existing manufacturing technologies of today)

World's First Super-Ultra Capacitor
INGEC very soon will introduce World's First Super-Ultra Capacitor with energy & power density comparable to or better than Lithium-Ion Batteries.

Green Energy Zones/Hubs:
INGEC will approach central and state governments to set up different Green Energy Zones/Hubs for the manufacturing of different green energy products to meet the net-zero target batteries.

Energy from Natural Resources:

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory report biofuels are a solution to climate change.

"INGEC announcing a revolutionary breakthrough in Bioethanol 
manufacturing technology and process by Dawson Group from 
different food grains like corn, rice, millet, etc. The first-of-its-
kind technology in the world to produce high-grade human 
protein instead of low-grade DDGS ( Dried Distillers Grain 
Solids/Solubles only fit for cattle & chicken consumption). This 
technological advancement will eradicate protein malnutrition in 
the world."

A switch to plant-based protein could help to tackle climate 
change and hunger. 

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Solar Energy : Quartz to Solar

Solar energy is the cleanest most abundant and most important source of renewable energy. The most affordable and flexible way to harness solar energy is through photovoltaic cells. INGEC is committed to establishing a robust and reliable complete manufacturing ecosystem of photovoltaic cells through our program "QUARTZ to SOLAR". Technological advancements available to us will help to achieve 200 Giga watt of photovoltaic 
module manufacturing in five years (2024-2029).


Key components of technology employed:
1. Energy-efficient nano-purification of quartz up to 5N.
2, Creating a fusion composite of nano quartz powder with reductants.
3. Production of very pure silicon up to 4N.
4. Using chemical and metallurgical rout both for getting solar grade polysilicon.

5. Purification of silicon up to 12N for semiconductors.
6. Application of many path breaking technologies for higher efficiency of solar cells.
7. Substituting the use of costly ingredients with abundantly available cheaper products.



Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is renewable hydrogen produced through renewable sources of energy such as solar or wind power. Green hydrogen is a crucial tool in the fight against climate change and decarbonization and it is used in transportation, energy storage, and various industrial applications. INGEC initiative for green hydrogen:


1. Establishment of advanced manufacturing facilities for High-performance, Nano Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) and     Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER).
2. Establishment of advanced manufacturing facilities Nano Electro catalysts to be used in Electrolyzers, Hydrogen Storage, and Hydrogen fuel cells.
3. INGEC will facilitate the establishment of the Largest manufacturing base in the world for the production of advanced nano materials & composites to be used in different processes of Green Hydrogen production & utilization.

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